THe Well
The Well is a class of twenty-somethings to fifty-somethings. Taught by Ken Davis, they alternate between studying a book or subject from the Bible and doing Bible-based marriage studies. Always fun and exciting, this class will but a smile on your face while deepening your walk with the Lord.

As their name describes, this class is composed of many that are "in between" caring for elderly parents and adult kids and grandchildren. Taught by the team of Rob Chachere and Mark Moreau, this class studies a Book of the Bible in-depth every three months.

Calvary Men's Class
One of the ideas that we value at Calvary is younger believers being mentored by, and learning from, those that have been walking in the faith for much longer. Taught by Dr. Luke Chachere, the Men's Class is a multi-generational Bible study. They dive deep into the Word as they gather as brothers in the Lord.

THe J.O.Y. Class
(Jesus, Others, You)
The JOY Class is a multi-generational women's class that more than fulfills its name! Taught by Rudelle Moreau, this class studies the Word, supports each other, and brings JOY to each other and to the entire church.